National Windscreens welcomes Thatcham ADAS initiative

Alistair Carlton, technical manager at National Windscreens, is a member of the Thatcham steering group developing the ADAS code of practice and he welcomes the recently announced Thatcham initiative to bring more clarity to ADAS repair and replacement.

Alt text not available “In something akin to a space race between manufacturers in the introduction of new technology within vehicles, the automotive aftermarket needs a springboard to better clarity on test and repair methods, as well as service requirements," said Alistair (pictured right).

“This initiative recognises the leading role the aftermarket already plays in ADAS calibration along with the need for a review of vehicle repair methods used throughout the automotive industry. It will also have a key role in raising awareness of the need for correct repair of this new technology, not just in the automotive sector but also with insurers, fleets and private motorists.”

“National Windscreens have been working in partnership for many years with World leading companies such as Hella Gutmann and DuPont, to ensure our technology, materials and vehicle data are always at the leading edge and evolving in line with this new vehicle technology. We also recognise that a national network of purpose-designed workshops, that allows windscreen replacement and ADAS calibration to be undertaken in one visit, is the only way to ensure vehicles are put back on the road with minimum inconvenience to the driver and with ADAS immediately working as intended.

“As ADAS technology evolves, so should the code of practice along with National Windscreens service offering. We are delighted to be using our extensive experience of ADAS calibration whilst working with Thatcham to help develop this. When an organisation is operating in accordance with the Thatcham code of practice it provides an assurance of industry best practice and this is never more important than in a situation involving the repair of these technologies.” concluded Alistair.

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The full article from Thatcham Research can be viewed here .

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NW_Thatcham_initiative.pdf (499.73 kb)